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10 Basic Gymnastics Skills You Need to Know

Gymnastics has always been a fun activity that teaches participants to jump, roll, swing, flip, balance & stretch.

It’s an exciting sport which helps with the following:

  • Fitness
  • Co-ordination
  • Strength
  • Flexibility

Gymnastics is a very ancient sport practised more than 2000 years ago by the ancient Greeks.

Today, Gymnastics is one of the top three most-watched sports in the Olympics. You can take part in Gymnastics from a very young age.

For beginners, it is a over the time process to learn basic skills in gymnastics. However, willingness, hard work, persistence and diligence can help you master this fantastic sport.

Learning from certified gymnasts or trainers can reduce the chance of more significant injuries. In addition, it facilitates better body and joint movement and improves performance quality. Therefore, it is crucial to safely learn basic gymnastics skills for beginners from a very young age.

Ten Basic Gymnastics Skills for Beginners

These are the few fundamental skills of gymnastics which every gymnast enthusiast should know :

  1. Forward Roll: Tuck your head down and roll your head in a forward circle by swinging the legs over the head. An essential safety movement skill which helps you exit a headstand or handstand quickly.
  2. Backward Roll: It is one of the beginning gymnastics skills, where you learn to become comfortable without being able to see the floor.
  3. Headstand: An inversion, balancing legs & hand up in the air on one’s head. This is a balancing act which exhibits core strength.
  4. Handstand: Balancing the whole body on one’s hand. It should align the feet and body straight in the air or against the wall.
  5. Handstand Forward Roll: Gymnasts mostly opt for this skill after they learn handstand and forward roll and develop enough strength to execute the immediate drills.
  6. Cartwheel: One of the gymnastics skills, when performed, looks like the spokes of a wheel. Moving sideways, alternately placing hands and legs to land in a lunge position.
  7. Splits: Splits are legs kept in an extended position in the opposite direction in a straight line. It serves your agility and flexibility.
  8. Consecutive jumps: Helping kids and adults learn how to do a two-foot landing is a great technique to absorb landing impact safely. The springing movements of consecutive jumps are the best in this case.
  9. Bridge: One of the advanced beginner gymnastics skills with an inverted C position forming a bridge-like structure.
  10. One-foot balance: Balancing body in one foot, standing straight, balancing on a beam for at least 5 seconds.

Progressive gymnastics sport learnings include what it’s like to face off balance, fall, or fail. The idea is never to scare you or discourage you. The idea is to help you to master this graceful sport. If you are looking for the best gymnastics classes in Pune, The Life Sports academy is the right place for you. 

Life Sports academy helps kids & adults with flexibility, core strength, balance, coordination, etc. Life Sports recommend kids from 3-4 years of age join their academy to get quality growth. And for adults & kids, Life Sports academy has divided the batches into three levels, Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced. The coaches also prepare and maintain a progress report to track students’ growth.

Visit our website to know more: or call us now!

By |2022-11-16T11:19:09+00:00November 16th, 2022|Sports|0 Comments

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